Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Wiki



CAT-DOS is a fictional operating system within Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. It can be found in its own special room, and contains information about the different Specimens found within the mansion.


The CAT-DOS is a group of three large cubic computers, sitting between two doors near the end of the room. The one in the middle has a red screen and a small keyboard, with the other two having blank black screens. Only the middle one can be accessed. There are also what appear to be bloodstains when it is accessed.


Upon examination, the player will see on its red, faintly static screen the first two following options: 'ENTER' and 'EXIT_PROGRAM'. The player can choose 'ENTER' to continue to the next menu, in which with three new options are available: 'ACCESS_SPECIMEN_DATABASE', 'MODIFY_HOUSE_LAYOUT' and 'BACK'.

The 'ACCESS_SPECIMEN_DATABASE' option will bring the player to another menu, in which there are entries for all Specimens that appear in the normal game. Specimen 1 through Specimen 5 are available after Room 50, which is when the CAT-DOS room starts appearing. After Room 250, Specimen 6 through Specimen 11 become accessible by selecting the "Next" option, though the real entry for Specimen 10 can only be accessed once the player has made it through Room 500; If they have not done so, CAT-DOS will just open the old Specimen 10's entry. Specimen 9 appears as 'Specimen __' and, sometimes, its entry will not open. After Room 830, Specimen 12 and Specimen 13's entries can be accessed.

Attempting to select the 'MODIFY HOUSE LAYOUT' option will only give an error screen.


A secret set of entries can be found if the player tries to access 'MODIFY_HOUSE_LAYOUT' six times and then open Specimen 9's entry. A secret menu will show up with the entries of Specimen 9's Boss Mode and four unknown Specimens (not to be confused with Unknown Specimens) named: The Mattress Man, The Dolphin, Lines, and Paina. It appears that all the Specimens are active except Paina, who is still in development.


Spook phones 2
Sound Files
File Description
Room theme
Secret menu's theme
Select sound
Confirm sound
Error sound


  • The name CAT-DOS is a reference to the operating system MS-DOS.
  • The secret CAT-DOS entries are related to other games and content created by Akuma Kira.
    • The CAT-DOS entry for The Mattress Man is a reference to their GMod map Shadows Chapter 3. Proof for this is the entry saying that the monster is "just An Invisible Fast Zombie with a box welded to it".
      • The Fast Zombie is an enemy from Half-Life 2 and a spawnable NPC in Garry's Mod.
    • The CAT-DOS entry for The Dolphin is also a reference to a Garry's Mod map Akuma Kira made.
    • Lines is a reference to the horror game Space Blaster (Lines), made by Akuma Kira.
    • Paina's entry is a reference to the game Akuma Kira's Day Off.
  • Adding up all the fatalities according to CAT-DOS, 2,357 people have been killed inside the mansion by the specimens.
  • Specimen 9 in its normal form has had the most fatalities at 362, while Specimen 1 has the least at 4.
    • This is when not counting Old Specimen 10, which has 0.

Catdos room hd


As with the arcade machines, the CAT-DOS interface is accessed directly from the overworld, and does not zoom in when used. The blood stains on the interface appear regardless of whether the player is currently using the machine. The computers surrounding the CAT-DOS monitor were replaced by generators, similar to those found in the Brainframe Room.


Specimen 9 now defaults to 0 fatalities. Getting killed by specimens will add to their total fatality count.

The availability for the entries is slightly altered. Specimen 1 through Specimen 5 are available after Room 50 just like in the original game. After Room 150, Specimen 6's entry appears. After Room 200, Specimen 7 through Specimen 9, although the latter's entry will sometimes be missing. Specimen 10's old entry will only appear between Room 600 and 610; after Room 610, it is replaced with the new entry. Passing Room 700, Specimen 11's entry becomes available. After Room 800, Specimen 12's. Finally, Specimen 13's entry can appear after Room 910.

The secret entries can be accessed at any point during the game as long as Specimen 9's entry is present.

