In Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, there are a total of 6 endings: a good and a bad ending in Story Mode, Karamari Hospital and The Doll House. In order to get these endings, the player must meet certain requirements.
For Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation, there is one more ending in Story Mode, giving this version a total of 7 endings, while also having a corresponding achievement for getting each one adequately.
Story Mode[]
Good Ending[]
To get this ending, the player must avoid raising the "violence counter" above 20 points; these points are obtained when the player uses the Axe on certain Specimens or enemies.
If the player has below 20 points when defeating the final boss, after defeating it, the roof collapses on them when the battle ends; Spooky will then appear, claiming that the player died so tragically that they are now a ghost. After this, both the player and Spooky float off the floor. The floor folds up to reveal the player is standing on a ledge overlooking a huge room filled with Spooky's army of ghosts, that resemble Class Shadows. Spooky appears on a large video screen in the center of the room, stating that her forces have finally reached the required number. She then states that her goal is to lead her army in a quest to stop people calling ghosts "cute" or "adorable." After this, the screen fades to black to show the text: "Did you really think it was going to end seriously?" Finally, the credits roll.
In HD Renovation, getting this ending grants the "Pacifism" achievement. Specimen 9 also disintegrates instead of just hovering in place when defeated.
Bad Ending[]
Opposite of the Good Ending, the player gets this ending by swinging their axe at the following enemies: Specimen 1, Violent Deer, Specimen 2, Specimen 3, Specimen 4 (OG only), Specimen 6, and Specimen 11; hitting Specimen 1 instances awards 1 point, hitting the deer awards 2, and the rest award 3 points. The player must gather more than 20 violence points before the boss fight.
After defeating Specimen 9's boss form, instead of being crushed by the ceiling, the player keeps swinging the axe at the boss, and the screen is slowly tinted red with each swing. Then Spooky appears in a similar fashion to how she appeared in the other ending, except this time, her dialogue is different. She congratulates the player and says it was interesting to see the player swinging the axe around aimlessly. She then says she thinks they'll make a fine specimen. After this, the player is shown dragging a bloody axe behind them, the screen says "Bad Ending", the credits roll and the game ends.
In HD Renovation, getting this ending grants the "It Was Never A Mask" achievement.
Joke/A_Rival Ending[]
In the HD Renovation, if the player disables specimens in the options and goes into Room 1000, they will get the joke ending. Instead of reaching the "outside" and subsequently fighting Specimen 9, a cutscene will play out: the static image of a cartoonish room with balloons, a "1000 Rooms!" banner, and a set of exit stairs leading up. Spooky shows up and gives the player a half-hearted congratulation on getting to 1000 rooms. She tells them if anything changes she'll let them know.
The player starts ascending the stairs as the epilogue text flickers on the screen:
"You escape the manor and tell everyone about its enormous empty basement, hollow corridors and general lack of substance.
No one believes you.
But you live on...
Getting this ending, assuming the player starts from the very first room with jump scares and specimens toggled off, grants the "A_Rival Mode!" achievement.
Karamari Hospital[]
While not exactly endings but more so different routes as the ending itself isn't changed, the dialogue spoken by Demon Child and the note found in the same area are different, and it is worth mentioning them regardless.
The "ending" is reached when the player, after going to the Isolation Room and getting the exit key, leaves through the exit, meets up with Spooky one last time and keeps walking through some rooms while some music plays as the credits roll and the screen slowly fades to black.
Normal Ending[]
This ending is always reached when playing Karamari Hospital for the first time. Beating Karamari Hospital for the first time will unlock New Game +, which is a second playthrough of the DLC with some differences.
In HD Renovation, reaching this ending grants the "You Should Go Now" achievement.
Alternate Ending[]
To get this ending the player must beat Karamari Hospital in New Game + while doing the following: go to the offices and into the office that has the secret staircase. Here, the framed picture will instead be the painting of a Sword sitting on top of a table. The player can obtain the sword by interacting with the painting which they can then use against the different Monsters to kill them. Only The Virus or Monster 1, and Monster 2 need to be killed in order to get the alternate ending; the rest can be ignored but may prove useful to kill them to make progression through the DLC faster and easier.
If done right, when going down the secret staircase and into the secret laboratory, the player must interact with the brown stain right in front of the entrance: if the text displayed reads "It feels warm." they're on the path to the alternate ending; otherwise, if it reads "It feels cold." they will get the normal ending.
As previously noted, the only thing this ending changes is Demon Child's dialogue and the note on the table in the Isolation Room.
In the HD Renovation, the player has to kill 4 out of 5 of the following Monsters to get the ending: The Virus, Monster 1 (before The Virus, otherwise it won't appear), Monster 2, Monster 4, and Monster 5. Reaching this ending grants the "She Fears You" achievement.
The Doll House[]
Bad Ending[]
The player will most likely get this ending on their first playthrough as it requires avoiding completing any tasks related with the Ritual Room. To get this ending, simply go through the Nightmare Sequence and subsequently the Self-Destruct Sequence. Upon leaving the mansion through the Escape Tram, the player will be outside the mansion, far away from it. A flash of light will cover the screen multiple times, and the mansion is seen crumbling and fading away. After that, spirits resembling screaming faces start escaping from where the mansion was. Slowly, the sky starts turning red and the following text appears on screen:
"With the seal broken, the spirits trapped in the mansion can go free. However the gate to hell was left open. A flood of terror spills outward. The horrors that were once contained within the mansion can now reach the surface. You have escaped into a doomed world."
After the text, the screen fades to an image of all the "bad spirits" flowing into the red sky while text reading "BAD ENDING" lies in the bottom-right corner, and then the credits roll.
In HD Renovation, reaching this ending grants the "Demons Walk With Us" achievement. Also, the mansion has a more produced explosion animation, using a 3D model that has some beams of light bleeding through the mansion until it blows up into a ball of light.
Good Ending[]
To get this ending, the player must gather 3 black candles needed for the Ritual Room. In order to do this, they must go back into the Root Cellar and retrieve them. Upon the second visit, Hooked Doll will be actively chasing the player and some rooms within the Root Cellar will be altered. Upon retrieving the black candles, they must go back to the Ritual Room, place the Doll on the pedestal, go in, place the candles, activate the Kira Genesis and begin the Hellgate Chase.
After being done with the Ritual Room, simply go to the Seal Chamber. Everything will be the same as in the Bad Ending up until the player is outside the mansion. At that point, the mansion will not crumble, instead, souls will start being released from it. These spirits are noticeably different from the ones in the Bad Ending; the sky won't turn red and the following text fades in:
"With the seal broken, the spirits trapped within the mansion can now go on. And with the hellgate shut, the terrors that seeped through begin to fade away. Spooky has moved on, and rests with her parents now. Somehow, despite all the horror within the mansion, you brought peace to it all."
After the text the screen fades to an image of the "good spirits" flowing from the mansion, showing Spooky reunited with her parents, and the text "GOOD ENDING" lies in the bottom-right corner; the credits roll while the image is still on screen. The credits now have art, sketches and other drawings from Akuma Kira and a heartwarming message at the end written by the developer/s.
In HD Renovation, the mansion also explodes in this ending; the credits do contain the art and sketches but the credits are the same as in the rest of the HD Renovation. The player will get the "Now We Can Be Together" achievement upon reaching this ending.