Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Wiki

This page features a table that covers and keeps track of all the stats for enemies encountered in Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation's Endless Mode and weapon comparison between the Axe and Sword. This can serve as a quick search for players looking to improve on this specific game mode.

All stats have been confirmed through datamining and in-game testing, and will be updated accordingly should any future changes be made.


As a point of reference, the player walks at a speed of 5 m/s, and sprints at a speed of 9 m/s. The player has 100 health.

While in water in Specimen 13's rooms, the player walks at a speed of 2 m/s, and sprints at a speed of 4 m/s.

While walking over Specimen 2's puddles or through large cobwebs, the player walks at a speed of 1 m/s, and sprints at a speed of 3 m/s.

For further information about each enemy, please visit their respective pages, as those contain detailed descriptions about their behavior, abilities and strategies on how to deal with them.

Enemy Stats[]

Enemy Damage Attack Cooldown Speed Chase Duration (Rooms) Type Vulnerable?
Specimen 2 45 3 seconds 5 m/s 10-14 Floater
Specimen 3 30 1 second 8 m/s 10-14 Walker
Specimen 4 45 3 seconds 4.5 m/s 10-14 Incorporeal X
Specimen 4
45 3 seconds 6 m/s
(Out of sight)
4.7 m/s
10-14 Incorporeal X
Specimen 5 60 3 seconds 3.5 m/s 10-14 Walker X
Specimen 6 45 3 seconds 1.5 second cooldown
per teleport
15-17 Blinker
Specimen 7 100 - 1.1 m/s 10-19 Incorporeal X
Specimen 8 30 3 seconds 4 m/s 10-19 Floater/Incorporeal X
Specimen 9 120 0.75 seconds 9 m/s - Incorporeal X
Specimen 10 45 3 seconds 10 m/s
3 m/s
2.5 m/s
10-19 Walker X
Specimen 11 45 3 seconds 5 m/s 10-19 Incorporeal
Specimen 12
(The Old Man)
45 1.5 seconds 10 m/s (Sprint)
2 m/s (Walk)
10-19 Walker X
Specimen 13 45 3 seconds 5 m/s (Chase)
2 m/s (Wander)
20-39 Walker X
Monster 2 45 1 second 7 m/s 10-14 Walker X
Monster 3 20 1 second 2.6 m/s 10-14 Incorporeal
Monster 4 20 1 second 1 second cooldown
per teleport
10-14 Blinker (Walker)
Monster 5 20 2 seconds 5.5 m/s 10-14 Floater
Monster 6 30 3 seconds 3.6 m/s 10-14 Incorporeal X
Unknown Specimen 1 30 1 second 0 to 6 m/s
(First phase)
4 m/s
(Second phase)
(First phase)
(Second phase)
Incorporeal X
Unknown Specimen 2 15 3 seconds 3.5 m/s 20 Walker X
Unknown Specimen 3 0.2/s
- - 30-36 Passive
Unknown Specimen 4 45 3 seconds 4 m/s 8-14 Incorporeal X
Unknown Specimen 5 15 2 seconds 20 m/s
(Out of sight)
0.3 m/s
40 Blinker (Walker) X
Husk Swarm 15 0.5 seconds 3.5 m/s 30-49 Walker
Woormy Charles 25 1 second 10 m/s
15-19 Walker
Hooked Doll 15 0.5 seconds 7 m/s
(Center of player's vision)
2 m/s
(Near center of player's vision)
7-22 Incorporeal
The Clown - - 5 m/s
(Out of sight)
15-19 Blinker (Walker) X

Weapon Comparison[]

Weapon Prime Speed Attack Speed
Axe 0.23 seconds 0.10 seconds
Sword 0.18 seconds 0.16 seconds


  1. Underline: The enemy's chase duration gets reduced by 1 every time it is attacked.
  2. Vulnerable: The enemy can be struck with the Axe/Sword.
  3. Incorporeal: The enemy will go through all solid matter, including other enemies. It also homes in on the player.
  4. Walker/Corporeal: The enemy has a predetermined navigation path, cannot go through solid objects and can sometimes get stuck on other corporeals if it's not faster than them.
  5. Floater: The enemy is similar to Walker types but with the added abilities of floating over pits and ignoring navigation paths.
  6. Blinker: The enemy can teleport (in Specimen 6's case) or move insanely fast (Monster 4 and Unknown Specimen 5) when not within the player's line of sight.