Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Wiki

Specimen 1 (A.K.A. Cardboard Cutouts) are harmless entities randomly encountered throughout Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.


Specimen 1 takes the form of different cardboard cutouts. There is a green tentacled creature; a faded version of the green tentacled creature; a light-blue, teardrop-shaped ghost; a skeleton; a purple spider with blue spots; a pumpkin; a tree stump; a purple cloud-like creature; a brown cup filled with coffee; a frowning piece of toast; an ice cream cone; a bloody skull; a red pepper with arms; and a distorted version of the green tentacle creature. The distorted version of the tentacle creature has black, sunken-in eyes with small pupils, a dirty face, and long, sharp teeth. There are stains on its face which appear to be blood. Each version of this specimen (save for the toast, the distorted version of the green tentacle creature, and the bloodied skull) has a simple, happy face.

In Endless Mode, another nineteen variants appear alongside the others. These are: an eggplant; a donut; a tooth; a bar of soap; a lollipop; a sticky note with "To-Do" written on it; a moose; a content potato; a bored bucket; a cake; a boot; a cat-shaped slime; a piece of candy corn; a pale, smiling humanoid with a luminescent blush and messy black hair; a tall, thin creature with a small face; a purple monster with a smiling tongue; a thin, monstrous face; a white toothy-smiled face, and a toaster pastry.


Specimen 1 springs out from the wall at random times, accompanied by a loud noise. This noise varies from prolonged creaking to a sort of "beep" which one might hear in a retro video game. Upon hitting Specimen 1 with the Axe, it will be partially destroyed. Occasionally, 3 of the same Specimen 1 may spawn at the same time.

They only prove a real obstacle if they appear during a chase, as Specimen 1 is a solid entity and could get in the way of the player, or the initial shock could make the player pause momentarily. This gives the hostile specimen chasing the player time to get closer to them.

It should be noted that Specimen 1 is much less likely to appear if the player is not running.

Sometimes, there will be a note left by a past victim attached to the front of Specimen 1.


In the Karamari Hospital DLC, once the player finishes the game and starts New Game+, a new variant of Specimen 1 appears in the hallway before entering the hospital: a pepper cutout known as "Peter the Pepper". It cannot be cut down by the axe.

The following information contains spoilers. To view them, click the [show] tag.

In the Spooky's Dollhouse DLC, one random Specimen 1 appears in the room where the Self-Destruct Sequence begins, after the countdown timer starts. Similarly to Karamari Hospital, it cannot be cut down.


Story Mode

Spook phones 2
Sound Files
File Description
Jump scare 1
Jump scare 2
Jump scare 3
Jump scare 4
Jump scare 5
Jump scare 6
Jump scare 7
Jump scare 8

Endless Mode

Spook phones 2
Sound Files
File Description
Jump scare 1
Jump scare 2
Jump scare 3
Jump scare 4
Jump scare 5
Jump scare 6
Jump scare 7
Jump scare 8
Jump scare 9
Jump scare 10
Jump scare 11
Jump scare 12


  • According to the devs, Specimen 1 is made out of 100% recycled cardboard.
  • In the first version of the game, this specimen only had three forms: the slime, the ghost, and the skeleton.
    • Originally, a werewolf was planned as a variant for this specimen but it was never added.
  • In the video Spooky Update with Rare Leeked Screenshots!, right at the end, a salt shaker variant of Specimen 1 can be seen. This variant doesn't appear in-game. [1]
  • During development, the idea of Specimen 1 dealing damage to the player when popping out was brought up but never implemented. [2]
  • The pumpkin cutout's name is Sam. This is a reference to the movie Trick 'r Treat.
  • It could be implied that, from the notes left by Spooky in Endless Mode, she created Specimen 1.
  • This is the only specimen to be seen in the first 50 rooms.
    • However, it is also possible that Specimen 9 will appear in these rooms if the player idles for two minutes.
  • Specimen 1 is the specimen that has the least amount of fatalities, only having 4, apart from old Specimen 10, whose fatality count is 0.
  • The ghost variant of Specimen 1 appears in the December update art and is implied to be at least partially responsible for killing Santa Claus.
  • The corrupted face of the green slime resembles SCP-106, a creature from the SCP Foundation website, as well as SCP: Containment Breach, a game based on it.
  • The skeleton cutout may be a nod to the popular meme "And then a skeleton popped out", usually associated with trollpastas.
  • Audio used by Specimen 1 is the same sound played by Howard when it jump scares the player; and by the Old Man in the HD Renovation, when he jump scares the player in the basement of Room 810 once they've picked up the exit key, and when sprinting towards the player while in rooms outside of Specimen 12.
  • Hot Pepper Gaming created the Peter the Pepper cutout.
  • Unlike the other cutouts, Peter the Pepper from the Karamari Hospital DLC cannot be cut with the Axe.
  • One of the cutouts in Endless Mode is a Xenomorph, from the Alien horror movie franchise.
    • Another cutout is Edvard Munch's painting The Scream.
    • One of the cutouts resembles famous creepypasta character Jeff the Killer. This is referenced in Spooky's notes in Endless Mode.



Nearly all the cutouts are the same, except Peter the Pepper, which is instead replaced by a soda can with a smug expression.


Specimen 1 now spawns closer to the player than before. Upon hitting them with the axe, they will be cut in half, with the piece falling on the ground. Unlike the original game, the jump scare sound isn't cut off if the player destroys the cardboard cutout. Additionally, an uncommon event where three instances of the same Specimen 1 variant spawn at the same time can no longer occur.

It no longer stops the player automatically once it pops out (besides physically blocking them from moving). Additionally, when Specimen 1 appears in an area where there is no wall (i.e. on an abyss bridge), a metal pole will appear, from which Specimen 1 will pop out.

The soda can that replaces Peter the Pepper plays a unique sound, which is a smug, ghostly laugh. Unlike the original version of the game, this instance of Specimen 1 can be cut down.


Spook phones 2
Sound Files
File Description
Soda can jump scare
