Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Wiki

The White Cat is a non-hostile NPC in Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. She is only encountered in the introduction rooms for Specimen 7, that is, Room 410 in the original game, and Rooms 406, 410, 415, and 421 in the remake.


The White Cat appears as a small cat with black oval shaped eyes and no whiskers. Her fur is light pink in color, except for the inside of her ears and the area around her eyes, which are a darker shade of pink. She is always shown in a sitting position, constantly wagging her long curved tail, and sporting an anime-esque "sushi cat" smile.


When the player enters the first of the scripted rooms introducing Specimen 7, they will see a red line on the floor with some text beside it that says "Threshold of Consciousness". Crossing the line makes The White Cat appear, welcoming the player. When the player interacts with The White Cat, she will state that this place, is meant to help them while also telling the player to be wary of it.

The player can then find the cat in any of the other rooms, these being: the Office Room, the Space Room, the Worm Room and, as the final room, the Dark Room. Inside each room, The White Cat can be interacted with, giving a different line of dialogue each time.

The Dark Room is the last room where the player encounters The White Cat. After this, she is never seen or heard from for the rest of the game.


Spook phones 2
Sound Files
File Description
Clock ticking
Introduction dialogue 1:
"Well hello there. Are you lost, little one?"
Introduction dialogue 2:
"This place can help those who are ready, but expect turmoil more than you are used to."
Office Room dialogue:
"The mask you wear serves its purpose well, but be careful not to lose yourself in it."
Worm Room dialogue:
"Two sides of the same coin. Knowing your projections can help you achieve freedom."
Space Room dialogue:
"Balance is the key to keeping your mind free and sane."
Dark Room dialogue:
"Knowing your shadow can greatly help you, but be ready to see what you'd rather not be."


  • The White Cat could possibly be a reference to The Black Cat from the RPG horror game, The Witch's House in which it appears at random locations, including near a clock, but only acts as a minor character and save point.
  • In the game's files, The White Cat is referred to as "Cheshire", which is most likely a reference to the "Cheshire Cat" from Lewis Carroll's famous novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.[1]
  • The rooms that she appears in could be in reference to the game Yume Nikki,[1] where there is a room with doors circling around it.
  • The rooms The White Cat talks about are a reference to the archetypes of the unconscious proposed by Carl Jung.[1]
    • She most clearly references the Persona and the Shadow, the Persona being the "mask" of social conformity, and the Shadow being our unconsciously repressed desires and trauma. The other two rooms are possibly referencing the Self and the Anima/Animus.
    • In the Worm Room Dialogue, "Two sides of the same coin" possibly refers to the Persona and the Shadow. Suggesting that these two builds up the coin which builds one's "Self." With the worms representing one's rebirth/renewal.
  • The White Cat's design is heavily inspired by Kyubey from Madoka Magica with the eyes, color, unchanging expression, and the swooshing tail.
  • It’s often believed to be part of Specimen 7 with it being the good or neutral half of the specimen while the wall is its antithesis. This is probably because it appears before Specimen 7 and disappears once it spawns.


