Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Wiki

A place to document version history.


Spooky's House of Jump Scares Versions.

(The Release Date) Spooky's House of Jump Scares Released Today! - Uploaded on Oct 24th, 2014

Updates, and Polish - Uploaded on Nov 1st, 2014

+Stopped notes from spawning while monsters are active. +Added subtitles to Spooky. +Made the first monster slower. +Fixed some grammar issues. +Added a spooky information station. +Changed Monster collisions. +Remapped some controls. +Added more notes. +Adjusted texture brightness for better composition. +Added a new texture set. +Added a story scene.

Spooky December Update (2.3) - Uploaded on Dec 8th, 2014

+Made textures more customizable. +Fixed some texture reloading issues. +Added a trigger to tell you if the game is going to run slow. +Adjusted the FOV. +Fixed render distance calculation. +Added a new special npc. +Added some helpful text. +Fixed collisions to be more fluid. +Made the music sound better. +Added new menu sounds. +Added more effects. +Adjusted some sound volume. +Added more rooms. +Fixed some drawing slowdowns. +Added more scenery. +Added some weird surface drawing systems.

Spooky January Update (2.5) - Uploaded on Jan 17th, 2015

+Added new rooms. +Added mini games. +Fixed the 210 npc to be less annoying and more scary. +Added a mobile texture system to improve performance. +Fixed surfaces from breaking when you start over. +Added a new texture set. +Fixed surfaces from messing up depth (sometimes) on older graphic cards. +Fixed Cat-DOS from stopping the ambiance. +Added more scenery. +Fixed controls text. +Fixed minor spelling errors. +Added a new level. +Added new npcs. +Added a weapon. +Fixed the flesh rooms to count as rooms. +Fixed the Centipede spawning two holes on top of each other. +Added more information to CAT-DOS.
